
Showing posts with the label brassica napus plant

Brassica Napus

The species brassica napus aacc 2n 38 is an economically important oilseed crop that provides approximately 13 16 of vegetable oil globally 1. Rapeseed brassica napus subsp. السلجم او الشلجم او السجلم او البلجم Brassica Napus الخضروات Together with more ancient polyploidizations this conferred an aggregate 72x genome multiplication since the origin of angiosperms and high gene content. Brassica napus . Brassica napus is a member of the brassicaceae family which consists of approximately 25 tribes 338 genera and 3709 species oecd 2012. Oleracea followed by chromosome doubling a process known as allopolyploidy. Rape brassica napus is a bright yellow flowering member of the family brassicaceae mustard or cabbage family for oilseed rape canola colza brassica napus subps. Die schnittkohl brassica napus subsp. Napus rape brassica napus var. Brassica napus brassica napus is a self compatible species displaying a high degree of self pollination while most b. The plants da